BitMax v3 | v188 Modules Management | Edge of Ultimate


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Sroday Kullanıcısı
Jun 30, 2023
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Hi Folks! My Name Is SubZero and its a pleasure to assist you to Secure / Manage your v188 private servers
I'm a programmer that has been working in this field for like 4 years

Now let's Introduce BitMax features

BitMax is vsro188 files anti-exploit and a lot of amazing features that will help you to create such great things in your server

  • Maximum Character level

Max Server level patch will be in the whole server modules
SR_GameServer - SR_Shard Manager - SRO_Client
Note: When you reach the max level of your server you won't get exp anymore so don't care about spamming msgs in gs

  • Maximum Chinese mastery level
  • Maximum European mastery level
  • Maximum Pet level
  • Maximum Mob mastery level (default is 140)

  • Rates

  • Unlock rates limit
  • Magic Items Drop
  • Drop a rare item with a chance of 1/1000.

  • v188 original bug fixer

  • Remove attack cancel when player exchanges
  • Remove attack cancel when player exiting
  • Disables the quest raise event msg
  • Disable annoying silk/gold msgbox
  • Disables the dump files creation
  • remove green book
  • Disable annoying gs log msgs

  • GM Managmenmt

  • GM Start Body Mode Normal = 0 HWAN = 1 Untouchable = 2 Invincible = 3 Invisible_GM = 4
  • Unlock max gm console plus limit
  • When gm kills a unique mob allow notice to appear
  • GM Control Restrictions

  • Stall Managmenmt

  • Set stall gold limit to 500b
  • Set stall gold limit to 100b
  • Mine level to open stall
  • Disable stall outside towns
  • Stall creates delay time
  • Members count who can join stall (default is 8)
  • Allow player to open stall while riding pet
  • Allow player to open stall while pk mode

  • Flag World (CTF)

  • Reward codename for killing player
  • Reward count for killing player
  • Reward codename for winning flag world event
  • Reward count for winning flag world event
  • Minimum Level to register
  • Mine Players to join flag world event

  • Battle Arena

  • Reward codename for winning battle arena
  • Reward count for winning battle arena event while on job or guild
  • Reward count for losing battle arena event while on job or guild
  • Reward count for winning battle arena event while in a party or random
  • Reward count for losing battle arena event while in party or random
  • Minimum Level to register
  • Mine Players to join Battle Arena Random

  • Party Management

  • Probability for party mob spawns
  • Party members required to find monsters party
  • Party members required level to create
  • Disable removing full party from party matching

  • PK Managmenmt

  • Mine level for pk players
  • Mine level to drop items from the player
  • Disable items plus check while dropping items
  • Disable dropping items while pk
  • Stop players from using pk
  • Disable pk penalty time
  • Pk dropping items rate Normal
  • Pk dropping items rate under 4000
  • Pk dropping items rate under 15000
  • Pk dropping items rate under 30000
  • Pk dropping items rate over 30000

  • Job Managmen

  • Mine level to create job
  • Maximum job level
  • Sets the job cave AP button/score minimum level
  • Disables the job npc spawns.
  • Job leave penalty seconds
  • Disable Job Exp
  • Disable Job Penalty time
  • Allow Create Guild while jobbing
  • Disable trace on job
  • Disable reverse scroll on job
  • Disable return scroll on job
  • Disable resurrect scroll on job
  • Disable job to use Berserk
  • Disable drop goods inside towns
  • Job resurrect delay time
  • Job exchange delay time
  • Dw Cave requires job mode
  • Wear job suit without a nickname
  • Wear job suit outside of towns
  • Old trijob mode
  • Time penalty for leaving in days

  • Guild Manager

  • Max Members limit Level 1
  • Max Members limit Level 2
  • Max Members limit Level 3
  • Max Members limit Level 4
  • Max Members limit Level 5
  • Disable Guild Donate gp point
  • Grant name mine level
  • Disable Monster Grindings Donate GP
  • Disable disband guild penalty time
  • Minimum guild level at which mercenaries can be spawned.
  • Guild Storage Limit level 1
  • Guild Storage Limit level 2
  • Guild Storage Limit level 3
  • Guild Storage Limit level 4
  • Guild Storage Limit level 5
  • Guild Create Gold Limit
  • Time penalty for leaving in days
  • Mine level player can create a guild
  • Mine Level to open guild storage
  • Max Union Members limit
  • Count of players that can be allowed to chat in the union chat
  • Mine Level to invite union
  • Allows non-guild-master (regular guild members) to spawn mercenaries).

  • Alchemy Managmen

  • Minimum item level for astral stone to take effect
  • Item level after astral stone has taken effect
  • Alchemy FuseTime
  • Max alchemy weapon item plus
  • Max alchemy set item plus
  • Max alchemy accessories item plus
  • Max alchemy shield item plus
  • Max alchemy devil item plus
  • Max alchemy item plus Global
  • Max alchemy item plus without immortals stone
  • Disable the ammo consumption
  • Block getting advs when destroy items

  • Academy Management

  • Level requirement for creating an academy.
  • Gold is required to create an academy
  • Maximum count of guardian assistants in the academy
  • Maximum count of normal players (apprentices in the academy)
  • Level requirement for becoming academy guardian apprentice
  • Level requirement for graduating & must be below this to join the academy
  • Time penalty for the disbanding academy, in seconds
  • Disable academy creation
  • Disable academy invite

  • Weather Managmen

  • static weather (time)
  • Static weather time - moon phase
  • Static weather time - hour
  • Static weather time - minute
  • static weather type
  • Weather type, None = 1, Rain = 2, Snow = 3

  • Fortress Management

  • Fortress War Register Required Guild Level
  • Fortress War Register Required Guild Members Count
  • Disable trace while fortress war
  • Disable Berserker while fortress war
  • Disable reverse scroll on fortress war
  • Disable Bandit Fortress Register
  • Disable Jangan Fortress Register
  • Disable Hotan Fortress Register
  • Disable Constantinople Fortress Register
  • Disable Fortress Tax Change
  • Disable resurrect scrolls while fortress war

  • InGame Funcions Mine Level

  • Holly Water Gate Mine level
  • First hwan quest level
  • Second hwan quest level
  • Maximum level to use the "resurrect at the same position
  • Maximum character level at which "Move to place where you died" or "Move to last recall point"
  • Mine level to perform exchange requests
  • Mine level to open stall
  • Mine level to use global chat scrolls
  • Trace Mine Level
  • Mine level to use Berserk

  • misc

  • Grap pet Inventory size (28 = 1 page)
  • Disable drop items or gold inside towns
  • Disable the restart button
  • Disable giant monster spawns
  • Disable friend add outside towns
  • Disable exchange, stall, exit, and restart outside towns.
  • Disable CTF Trophy Quest
  • Grap Pet pages fix
  • Disable Drop Special Return Scroll
  • Max Characters per account (add new char proc edit req)
  • Disable pvp mode

  • InGame Function Delays

  • Exchange delay time
  • Stall creates delay time
  • Log-out button delay time
  • PVP mode change delay time
  • Berserker delay time
  • Guild invite delay time
  • Union invite delay time
  • Resurrect delay time
  • Job resurrect delay time
  • Job exchange delay time
  • Berserker delay time on fortress war
  • Delay time to use fortress return button def is 10 minute
  • Mercenary spawn delay time
  • Count down to log out (Org game function default is (5-sec normal exiting, 20 Compact) )
  • Job Count down to log out (Org game function default is (60 for jobbing)

  • DwCave Management

  • Dw Cave requires job mode
  • Min level to join Dw Cave

  • Rate Multiplier

If a thief should receive 1 000 000 gold for 1 silk item he sold to goods
dealer, he will receive exp he should get for
that amount of gold multiplied by the job experience rate multiplier.

  • Skill Point Multiplier
  • Job Exp Multiplier
  • Thief Gold Multiplier
  • Trader Gold Multiplier
  • Hunter Gold Multiplier

  • Items Blue Limit

  • Avatar Hat Blue Limit (org is 2)
  • Avatar Dress Blue Limit (org is 4)
  • Normal Item Blue Limit (org is 9)
  • Normal Item HPMP Limit (org is 1700)
  • Avatar HPMP Limit (org is 1700)

  • Session Helpful Procedures

  • Enable alchemy success fuse logger (PROC : _OnSessioAlchemySuccess )
  • Enable battle arena draw logger (PROC : _OnSessionBattleArenaDraw )
  • Enable battle arena lose logger (PROC : _OnSessionBattleArenaLose )
  • Enable battle arena win logger (PROC : _OnSessionBattleArenaWin )
  • Enable ctf draw logger (PROC : _OnSessionCTFDraw )
  • Enable ctf lose logger (PROC : _OnSessionCTFLose )
  • Enable ctf win logger (PROC : _OnSessionCTFWin )
  • Enable chat logger (PROC : _OnSessionChat )
  • Enable player spawn logger (PROC : _OnSessionCreate )
  • Enable player log-out logger (PROC : _OnSessionDestroy )
  • Enable kills logger (PROC : _OnSessionKillFatch )
  • Enable Teleport Control (PROC : _OnSessionOneleport )
  • Enable Reverse/Return Scroll Control (PROC : _OnSessionReverseScroll )
  • Enable Unique kills logger (PROC : _OnSessionUniqueKill )
  • Enable Unique Spawn logger (PROC : _OnSessionUniqueSpawn )
  • Enable Selling goods success logger (PROC: _OnSessionCartSellSuccess)
  • Enable Selling goods Control (PROC: _OnSessionCartSellRequest)
  • Enable Battle Arena Register Control (PROC : _OnSessionBattleArenaRegister )
  • Enable CTF Register Control (PROC : _OnSessionCTFRegister )
  • Enable job leave Control (PROC : _OnSessionJobLeaveRequest )
  • Enable job leave success logger (PROC : _OnSessionJobLeaveSuccess )
  • Enable job join Control (PROC : _OnSessionJobJoinRequest )
  • Enable job join success logger (PROC : _OnSessionJobJoinSuccess )
  • Enable job exp earned success logger (PROC : _OnSessionJobExpEarned )
  • Enable fortress war win logger (PROC : _OnSessioFortressWin )
  • Enable Life state changed logger (PROC: _OnSessionLifeStateChanged)
  • Enable Unique Party Killer logger (PROC: _OnSessionUniquePartyKill)
  • Enable alchemy item plus changed logger (PROC : _OnSessionItemPlusChanged )

  • Reborn Sys

Reborn sys is when the player reaches the max level of your server he can execute the reborn scroll to return to level 1 with the increased state points

  • Reborn System (PROC _OnSessionReborn)
  • Reborn Sys scroll id
  • Reborn Points

  • Debug Packets

  • Enable or disable logging of the last packets before DC
  • Print client -> server packets
  • Print server -> client packets

  • Silk Per Hour

  • Player-level requirement
  • Update interval (minutes)
  • Reward control (PROC: _SilkPerHourAddReward)

  • Dynmaic Ranks

  • daily refresh hour
  • daily refresh hour
  • Daily refresh minute
  • Weekly refresh day
  • Weekly reset hour
  • Weekly reset minute

  • InGame Custom UI

  • title manager
  • Unique History
  • epin code's rewards
  • Fortress killranks
  • Unique damage meter (Live & Death)
  • Tower/heart/etc damage meter (Live & Death)
  • Custom title manager
  • character lock
  • Event Schedule
  • Dynamic Ranks
  • Coloring plate
  • Character points
  • Items Chest box
  • ActionMisc UI
  • Goods Sell/Buy Captcha UI
  • Events Register UI (soon)
  • New reverse actions
  • Auto Building Mastery& state

  • limiton

  • Max connections per IP
  • Max players per PC
  • Max players on job per PC
  • Max players on CTF per PC
  • Max players on Battle Arena per PC
  • Max players on fortress per PC
  • Max players on roc per PC

  • Bot Detection System

  • Disconnect on login with bot
  • Enable or disable jobbing while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable PVP while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable Alchemy while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable CTF while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable Battle Arena while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable Party while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable Stall while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable Exchange while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable Trace while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable FortressWar while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable Selling Goods while using an external tool
  • Enable or disable Buying Goods while using an external tool

  • Instant Delivery Methods

  • Enables or disables instant damage delivery
  • Enables or disables instant item delivery
  • Enables or disables instant gold delivery
  • Enables or disables instant teleports delivery
  • Enables or disables instant skill point delivery
  • Enables or disables instant experience delivery
  • Enables or disables instant char reload delivery
  • Enables or disables instant pvp state delivery
  • Enables or disables instant stat point delivery
  • Enables or disables instant hwan-level delivery
  • Enables or disables instant mob spawn near players delivery
  • Enables or disables instant mob spawn at positions delivery
  • Enables or disables instant buff delivery
  • Enables or disables instant zerk points delivery
  • Enables or disables instant item mutation delivery
  • Enables or disables instant teleport-to-town delivery
  • Enables or disables instant reduce item count delivery
  • Enables or disables instant item opt value increment delivery
  • Enables or disables instant Item Add Mag Param delivery
  • Enables or disables instant Item Add Random Mag Params delivery
  • Enables or disables instant Item Randomize Mag Params delivery
  • Enables or disables instant disconnect user delivery
  • Enables or disables instant reset state points delivery
  • Enables or disables instant remove the monster from map delivery

  • Alchemy Notification

  • Show alchemy Notification on plus
  • Alchemy Notification Hex Color

  • Beta System

  • Run beta server (allow any username to login)

  • old school

  • Enable Old Mob Wind (Client Side)
  • Enable Old pvp wear sys (Client Side)
  • Enable Old Alchemy Wind sys (Client Side)
  • Enable China Only Server sys (Client Side)
  • Enable Show Guild Under jobbing (Client Side)
  • Enable Show Title Under Jobbing (Client Side)
  • Enable Alchemy Fuse stones static (Client Side)
  • Enable Old MainPop (Client Side)
  • Enable Old stall networking
  • Enable Old Item mall

  • Client Color Patches

  • Default Mob Killed Noitfy Color (Client Side)
  • Default Mob Spawned Noitfy Color (Client Side)
  • Default Iyutaru Spawned Noitfy Color (Client Side)
  • Default TigerGirl Spawned Noitfy Color (Client Side)
  • Default Urruchi Spawned Noitfy Color (Client Side)
  • Default Lord Yarkhan Spawned Noitfy Color (Client Side)
  • Default Demon Shaitan Spawned Noitfy Color (Client Side)
  • Default GM Name Color (Client Side)
  • Default Title Name Color (Client Side)
  • Default GM Chat Color (Client Side)
  • Default Global Chat Color (Client Side)
  • Default Notice Chat Color (Client Side)
  • Default Guild Chat Color (Client Side)
  • Default Union Chat Color (Client Side)
  • Default Party Chat Color (Client Side)
  • Default Academy Chat Color (Client Side)

  • Protection

  • Block Unknown Opcodes
  • Enable Firewall Block
  • Gatewayserver Mine Traffic Limit per second
  • Gatewayserver Max Traffic Limit per second
  • DownloadServer Mine Traffic Limit per second
  • DownloadServer Max Traffic Limit per second
  • AgentServer Mine Traffic Limit per second
  • AgentServer Max Traffic Limit per second
  • How Many io threads gatewayserver can use
  • How Many io threads agentsserver can use
  • How Many io threads downloadserver can use
  • Enable max connections per ip override system
  • Max connections per IP (For flooding)

  • Client Configs

  • Discord RPC App ID
  • Discord Icon Invite link
  • Facebook Icon Page link
  • Website Icon link

  • Discord Bot

  • Run Player Login msg logger
  • Run Player Log out msg logger
  • Run killing unique msg logger
  • Run Spawn, unique msg logger
  • Run Global Chat msg logger
  • Run Alchemy notice msg logger

  • Isro Unique Target effect


  • Permanent Alchemy Stone


  • Custom Character select methods



  • Colored Notify


  • Anonymous Global Msg


  • ISRO-R Reverse scroll



  • Old School Patch





  • Avatar blue limit



  • Item ToolTip size



  • Guild Members Grant Name


  • Chat Item Linking


  • Party UI Missing icons



  • Background Sight range



  • Item Comparison


  • Char Coloring


  • Discord Unique Spawn - Kill Msg Logger


  • Discord Login - Login out Msg Logger


  • Winter Event Reward patch (GS)


  • Flag world (CTF) Event reward patch (GS)


  • Region Skills Restrictions


  • Skills Restrictions Global


  • Region Entry Time Restrictions


  • Region Items Usage Restrictions


  • Global Region Restrictions

Enable Battle System
battle sys will allow players to use Exchange, Stall, Exit, and Restart inside the region.


  • Region Mob Attack Restrictions


  • Region Player Attack Restrictions


To Be continued...



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